Saturday, July 16, 2016

Singing Tips by Benita Charles Music - #11

Benita Charles Music at Jackie Robinson Park (Harlem, NYC)

Singing Tips by Benita Charles Music - Tip #11: Sing in front of an audience.

            * Performing in front of an audience will take your talent to the next level.

            * Performing in front of an audience will help you get paid gigs.

            * Performing in front of people who don't know will test your abilities.

7 ways to gain live performance experience:

1) Family functions
   - Sing at family gatherings such as BBQs, family reunions, weddings and special occasions)

   - Sing as often as you can in front of your family/friends to get experience
   - This is usually your first experience singing in front of a live audience and your family can be a kinder audience than most.

2) Church
   - The church choir is an excellent way you can learn how to sing with a group and in front of an audience.
   - The church choir will help you develop your ear because you have to listen to others when ou sing.
   - The church audience is usually a kind and encouraging audience which can really put singers at ease during performances.

3) Open Mics
   *An open mic is a show that anyone can sign up and perform with a live band.
   - Open Mics are an excellent way to get live performance experience without a huge investment on your part.
   - Open Mics will help you gain experience singing with a live band
   - Be sure to sign up early because there's usually a huge wait time to sing at the most popular open mics.

4) Talent Shows
   - Competing in talent shows is an excellent way to gain experience singing in front of an audience.
   - Preparing for a talent show and performing will take your talent to another level.
   - Watching other talent performers is a great way to learning winning techniques.

5) Artist Showcases
   *An artist showcase is a show an independant producer promotes with a select number of featured artists.
   -Performing in an artist showcase is great exposure for the artist performing on the roster.
   -Performing in an artist showcase will allow the singers to perform at high-end venues.
   -The performance time is longer for an artist showcase than an open mic.
6) Self-Produced Shows
   *A self-produced show is a show the artist produces, invests and star in.
   -This show will help the artist develop leadership skills as a producer.
   -The artist has complete artistic control with a self-produced show.
   -The artist will often keep a large portion of the profits for this type of show, depending on the agreement with the venue.

7) Live streaming on the internet
   *The internet has opened a whole new way artist can perform and connect with their audience in real time.
    -Performing live on the internet will allow you to engage with your audience like no other way before.
    -It will also help you build an audience world-wide.
    -If you're videos or live stream go viral, you will go mainstream for greater exposure for your artist brand.
    -Current live stream sites: Facebook Live, Periscope, Ustream, Concert Window, Busker (new) and more.

Best wishes to you as you take your voice to the next level!

-- Benita Charles Music

"Spreading love through music for your inspiration and entertainment!"


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